Estate Administration
Estate Administration, sometimes referred to as Probate, is the process of collection a deceased person’s assets, allowing that person’s creditors to make legitimate claims, and distributing the balance of assets according to the deceased person’s wishes or according to state law.
The first step after a loved one passes is to determine whether the decedent left behind a valid Last Will and Testament, sometimes referred to merely as a Will. If so, the named Executor will swear-in before the Clerk of Court in the decedent’s county of residence. If there is no Will found, then the family must agree upon who will administer the decedent’s Estate. We walk that Executor (or Administrator) through the entire process, from beginning to end. The goal of such representation is to reduce the amount of stress on the Executor and make the process as clean, quick, and painless as possible.
Contact Julie Whatley today!

What Our Clients Say...
Our family had a major unforeseen event happen this past year. We never expected to feel lost and helpless. I flew in from Hawaii to North Carolina to help my family get back on track. I found Julie in Kernersville and she instantly answered all of our questions. Read More...
William Sawyer, Honolulu HI
Whatley Law
Prepare • Plan • Prevail
900 Old Winston Road, Suite 102
PO Box 904 (27285-904)
Kernersville, NC 27284
Phone: 336-904-2909
Fax: 336-355-7607

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