Estate Planning
Nearly everyone has an estate, whether they know it or not. Your estate is made up of real estate, vehicles, bank accounts, investments, life insurance, and your personal possessions.
Common estate planning documents include Last Wills and Testaments (which distribute your assets and allow you to name guardians for minor children); Powers of Attorney (where you name individuals you trust to handle your legal, financial, and health care decisions for you if you are unable), Living Wills (advance directives for end-of-life decisions), and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) forms (where you name individuals with whom you are comfortable sharing your health information).
Contact Julie Whatley today!

Comprehensive Estate Planning answers questions such as:
» Who benefits from your assets?
» Who shouldn’t benefit from your assets?
» When and how do you want your beneficiaries to get their inheritance?
» What do I do if a beneficiary can’t handle money very well because of mental disability, young age, immaturity, or susceptibility to bad influences?
» Do you want to be buried, cremated, or give your body to science?
» If I cannot manage my finances or take care of my personal affairs, who will?
» If I cannot make health care decisions for myself, who will?
» What kind of treatment, if any, do I want at the end of my life?
What Our Clients Say...
Our family had a major unforeseen event happen this past year. We never expected to feel lost and helpless. I flew in from Hawaii to North Carolina to help my family get back on track. I found Julie in Kernersville and she instantly answered all of our questions. Read More...
William Sawyer, Honolulu HI
Whatley Law
Prepare • Plan • Prevail
900 Old Winston Road, Suite 102
PO Box 904 (27285-904)
Kernersville, NC 27284
Phone: 336-904-2909
Fax: 336-355-7607

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